Monday, September 14, 2009

New Blog ... New Post

And stitch is back .. or lone wolf as I always signed my previous entries on my previous blog.

Here I sit, 11:12pm ... starting something old with an anewed spirit so to speak.

And as I write this entry, with full intention of where I want this blog to go, I find it more difficult than before to write and express and be me. What was once an effortless task seems extremely difficult and performed with great resistance. It almost feels like there is this huge brick wall in front me that is impossible to climb, and yet I gotta get to the other side.

Perhaps its because I know what I want from this. Perhaps its because I have so much to say now. Maybe its that I want to vent and rant and rave with great detail the trials and tribulations (which I term as a fancy way of saying bullsh*t) that have happened to me. Poor, poor, pitiful, victim me. Maybes its just that there's so much to say that to even hint at it all will ensue chaos and anarchy to a great extent sure enough to deter any reader whose faithful or not. (lets face it, to even have a faithful reader still checking out a dead blog thats been lifeless for years will require a miracle from the heavens themselves .... and I do not beleive in miracles)

Regardless, here I am, writing ... attempting to get back into the grind of typing as fast as I think and ensuring that which is typed is coherent and flowing .... and I feel so far from it. But I'm here, and I try. And I know that as long as I try, I'm satisified.

Stitch is back and ready to write again.

Time has progressed, the blog era is no longer new and full of wonder as its now simply the norm. And my days of a new twentysomething have come and gone (well, almost gone, still only 27 though, few more years left). My time with "A Stitch In Mind" played out like, I presume, as a moody child playing with new toys; full of life and wonder one minute, then sitting in some closet corner and forgotten the next. Still in existence, but lifeless.

I did ponder in the resurrection of "A Stitch In Mind" for the business minded side of me tells me to do so for the mere reason of finding previous readers and enticing them to this new endeavor of mine. And no, no decision as been made yet. Regardless of any decision, the entries are still there, they still exist, and I can always post links should i ever reference them again.

For now, time should be dealt with the organisation of this blog and its new meaning.

In a nut shell ... new blog ... new direction. More to come tomorrow.